Thursday 21 March 2013

DYI Outdoor Modular Furniture

I've stumbled across this amazing lady Ana White in Alaska who has a blog on DYI Design.


Click here for simple instructions on making your own DYI modular outdoor setting.

And here's the link to the corner piece.

xoxo Bec

The gift of time to be extraordinary…

Happy Friday and awesome job on getting through the week. Now you can look forward to some soulful time with yourself, your friends and family.

My Friday’s are sacred to me. The used to be my “date day” with my son.  A day for us to hang, bake and connect. With Master Nicolas now in school, our dates have found a new forum.   Tomorrow we are going on a date to the fair. A school fair that is and I’m going to take my 7 year old along for some ‘good ole fashioned fun’. 

But back to today!  Fridays are my gift to myself. The day I can connect with myself, fit in a dance class, work on my business and spend some valuable time to help others.  Fridays is the day I can breathe and dare to dream. And TODAY I AM VISIONARY!

Today I’m pulling together my Vision Board and playing around with ideas for my business, unveiling some layers I have so cleverly developed around my soul and connecting with me.  I’ve got the gift of time today to discover my brilliance and unconditionally consider life without the mask…..   I’d like to say wish me luck, but I don’t need luck. I simply need to honour myself and see where that takes me. 

So here’s my invitation to you.

Can you spare some time over the weekend to take yourself out on a date? 
Go on.. flirt with yourself , invest the gift of time in yourself and really let youself relax and see where your thoughts go! 

Honour thy self!

Xoxo Bec

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Our connection with humanity is what makes us real

I believe that to be 'real' you really have to surrender your sense of self and release the power that comes from being connected with humanity. To be one with many and to be open with your connection to people is a gift that can have extraordinary results. I'm so grateful that our world has been enriched by those individuals who have and will make such a big impact on humanity. People like Irena Sendler. Here's her story.

Irena Sendler
Died: May 12, 2008 (aged 98)
Warsaw, Poland

During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an ulterior motive.

Irena smuggled Jewish infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried. She also carried a burlap sack in the back of her truck, for larger kids.

Irena kept a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto.

The soldiers, of course, wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.

During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants.

Ultimately, she was caught, however, and the Nazi's broke both of her legs and arms and beat her severely.

Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she had smuggled out, In a glass jar that she buried under a tree in her back yard.

After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived and tried to reunite the family. Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.

In 2007 Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was not selected. Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.

The sacrifice and courage that Irena showed in her life is testament to how powerful each and everyone are.

What's possible for you today?

Tuesday 19 March 2013

8 is my magic number.

On the weekend I received a gift. The ridiculously talented and fabulous Carren Smith, did a Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) exercise around anchoring emotions to draw on when kicking goals, facing fears and yes... public speaking!

I was asked to set a goal for 3 days being today. My crazy far fetched self thought I could run 8kms. Where this came from I don't know. I've only ever run 5kms so 8km seems impossible to me (especially considering my run style is more akin to a shuffle in slow motion).

So this morning I was wake at 430 with such clarity I knew I could do it. A drive to the gym in darkness was abruptly shattered when I saw the gym car park full. Do people really exercise at 5am. The answer is HELL YES!

So podcast in hand off I went! I smashed it out! But here's the remarkable thing. It was easy! The mind is so powerful that I never even, not even for 1 second hurt or tired and thought I couldn't do it. My body only existed in my mind. It was all too easy! OMG what else is possible!

So whilst I'm late for work, that's a choice I made in order to honour my real self and try some self belief instead of serving others.

So today, try having a date with yourself and exploring what your sweet spot could be. If it was all too easy, what would you do?

Monday 18 March 2013

My turn next!

My inner 7 year old sqealled with joy and yelled.. My turn!

The revealing of my mask...

My true life started without me and I'm claiming it back with a vengeance.

Today I wanted to tell you a little more about me and my journey back to design.

In the beginning we are all the same
We are all start as babies, who grow into infants and children.
We are taught to be creative and get messy.

For some of us that's smearing vegemite on walls, others it's drawing within the lines, but we all experienced creativity of some kind as a child.
As we grew into teenagers and adults, we are forced to take a path.

For me that path, was university to study business management which lead to a career in project management in areas such as law enforcement, intelligence, consulting and now finance services,

So there I was with a responsible job, good pay check, husband, house,2 gorgeous kids and I should be happy right.

So why did I feel disconnected, and fake, with an obsession of chevron cushions? And don't get my husband started on my weekly activity of moving my furniture around.he jokes that every Friday it's a new house!

My life was off kilter and I just didn't know it.
My mask was on so tight with the perception of WHO I should be.
This was the life I designed and orchestrated. Right?

About 15 months ago, my mask slipped and i started to listen to my inner guide which brought me back to creativity.

My 7 year old self encouraged me to start a blog and study design
And Thinking Designs was the result.
i created this company celebrate design and its potency in ours lives.

I found my true life had started without me and now I'm claiming it back with a vengeance and can't wait to help you do the same.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Being me is the easiest thing in the world…

Today I choose to be me. I mean the REAL Me.  The “extraordinary being” who’s inspiration and empowering to others.   So if this hasn’t been me, who have I been.  Simply a lesser version of version. 
I dialled down ‘me’ at work. I played a small game. I took safe options. I was complacent, serving and a team player.  But I am more than that!  So today.. I choose to be the ‘thought provoker’ at work.  I am going to work with me team about how we can ‘Get Real’.  How we can add real value.  Anything less is simply lip service. How fabulous that we have a team day planned! 
I was also playing a smaller game in my community.  For example, every morning it’s the same crew at the bus stop!  Its super early and we’re all tired and the secret code of society has always dictated that you nod politely and bumble ‘hello’ then fall into a trace of self-reflection with a ‘don’t bother me’ stance…..I’m working on world peace. 
Not this morning, I said “Good Morning and how fabulous to see you again!” Yes I got ‘that look’ but in the next 3 minutes I learn more about this stranger than I have in the last 18 months.  I was suddenly more forgiving of her need to have a cigarette at the bus stop at 6 am in the morning. I got it!  If she knew better, she would have done better and she’s not yet ready for her change.  And that ok, as that’s her business.
So back to my business.  The mind and the body is so powerfully aligned and I absolutely now see how the many layers (both physically and emotionally) are standing between me and “The Real Me”.  This connection is critical.   We are starting to make some small changes at home. Little things like removing bread and moving away from processed foods.  Our little family of 4 is feeling great and I’m really thrilled with our readiness and acceptance of a new way.  By honouring our bodies and what goes in them is surely a green light in getting in touch with the real me.
So look at!  “Grandest Version of myself”. I’m coming for you!
So on this Monday, be kind to yourself, your body and those in your lives.
Let the mask slip and simply be YOU!  It really is the easiest thing in the world to do.
xoxo Bec

Enlightenment with "In Spaces Between"

Having spend the last 3 days with the very exquisite Rachel MacDonald from In Spaces Between, I would encourage you all to pop over to her website for such a divine slice of inspiration and empowerment. Rachel has a free ebook "More magic: All of the time : 20 ways to create your best life ever " which is ridiculously fabulous and a wonderful reminder of how to be brilliant. 

Saturday 16 March 2013

Living outside your comfort zone

I've had the pleasure to attend a 3 day intensive speakers program on the Sunshine Coast with the most extraordinary speaker, Carren Smith.

Day 2 of 3 today and what a break through ( or breakdown if I'm being totally honest) I had tonight. It will mean great things for Thinking Designs and I can't wait to share it all with you, so watch this space.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

2 x Replica Eames Eiffel Designer Chairs $69

Great deal starting today in catch of the day for 2 (yes that's right)
Replica Eames Eiffel Designer Chairs

Classic black and white

Very classic white on black. Perfect.


Friday 1 March 2013

New York Glam "Teen" Bedroom

I'm a big fan of Kerrie Hess's illustrations and would love to see them incorporated into a Teen Bedroom design.  A simple black and white wallpaper wall as an ascent wall is the perfect feature for these prints.... Here's a mood board to inspire you.

Pop cushions

Really enjoying the designer products showcased on online daily deals sight, POP.

How cute are these cushions!