Tuesday 19 March 2013

8 is my magic number.

On the weekend I received a gift. The ridiculously talented and fabulous Carren Smith, did a Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) exercise around anchoring emotions to draw on when kicking goals, facing fears and yes... public speaking!

I was asked to set a goal for 3 days being today. My crazy far fetched self thought I could run 8kms. Where this came from I don't know. I've only ever run 5kms so 8km seems impossible to me (especially considering my run style is more akin to a shuffle in slow motion).

So this morning I was wake at 430 with such clarity I knew I could do it. A drive to the gym in darkness was abruptly shattered when I saw the gym car park full. Do people really exercise at 5am. The answer is HELL YES!

So podcast in hand off I went! I smashed it out! But here's the remarkable thing. It was easy! The mind is so powerful that I never even, not even for 1 second hurt or tired and thought I couldn't do it. My body only existed in my mind. It was all too easy! OMG what else is possible!

So whilst I'm late for work, that's a choice I made in order to honour my real self and try some self belief instead of serving others.

So today, try having a date with yourself and exploring what your sweet spot could be. If it was all too easy, what would you do?

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